Great Luck for Construction | | 2022, Gather the Power of Magnificence and Work Together towards the Future!

Release time:2022.02.10

  The golden ox bid farewell to the old year, and the jade tiger celebrates the new year. New Year's new hope, set sail again. After spending a happy and peaceful New Year holiday, we returned to our work positions again and gathered on this joyful day.


Spring Festival group worship

  Send blessings during the Chinese New Year and celebrate the Chinese New Year with joy. Chinese New Year greetings are a traditional folk custom in China, which not only expresses greetings and blessings to each other, but also helps to enhance friendship and emotions. On the ninth day of the first lunar month, on the commencement day of the group, we exchanged New Year greetings and shared the joy of the holiday through group worship.

  Based on a new starting point, looking forward to a new journey. In the new year, under the strong leadership of the group's board of directors and CEO office, let us continue to closely adhere to the group's Fifth Five Year Plan and marketing strategy, unite our efforts, be practical, take advantage of the situation, develop steadily, and create a new chapter of high-quality development for the group.
