Integration of Two Modernizations in the Group | Huajian Aluminum Group was awarded the title of "Shandong Province Integration Enterprise of Two Modernizations" again

Release time:2022.01.06


  On January 13th, the Shandong Provincial Center for Promoting the Integration of Industrialization and Industrialization announced a list of "2021 Shandong Provincial Enterprises for the Integration of Industrialization and Industrialization", among which Huajian Aluminum Group was once again included. This is the third time since 2018 and 2020 that it has won this award.
  The selection of this award is based on the spirit of relevant documents such as the "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Development of Industrial Internet through" Internet+Advanced Manufacturing Industry "in Shandong Province" and the "Notice on Organizing the 2021 Shandong Province's Outstanding Contribution Award Selection Activity for the Integration of Industrialization and Industrialization". After independent application, preliminary review and recommendation by the business management department, expert evaluation, and social publicity, the list of winners is finally determined. A total of 87 enterprises integrating industrialization and industrialization in Shandong Province, 41 exemplary individual, 22 solution manufacturers and 28 exemplary organization will be determined in this selection in 2021.
  In recent years, the group has attached great importance to the integration of information technology and industrialization, focusing on the group's hardware, software, team and other advantageous resources and strength. A dedicated management center has been established to enhance the understanding of the integration, consolidate the foundation of the integration, and implement the application of the results of the integration in enterprise production and operation. This has further promoted the technological upgrading and management innovation of the enterprise, and continued to promote high-quality innovative development of the enterprise.


